Living in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. 2010.

The first country I moved to that I remember, was Kyrgyzstan. My dad and I were the first ones to move there, and my mum came later with our dog. My best friend had already moved there from Moscow, the same as me and I was excited to live closer to her. 
From what I remember, the country was an amazing place to live, the school I went too, wasn't amazing. 

When we first moved, I wasn't upset, I was more excited. I was moving to a different country, to me it was like a long term holiday. My dad and I stayed at my best friends (Abi's) house until we found a place, which was cool but also annoying. Abi had just had gotten a labrador, and during that time I used to sleep a lot. She would wake up before me, come into the room and call her dog in who would jump on the bed, as well as me and was biting me, while she tried to play the guitar. (Very loudly and very badly, may I add) That was the annoying bit. 
We found a place, my mum came down and it was great. 

Once we settled in, it was great living there. Bishkek has a lot of restaurants that are all amazing. We used to go up to the mountains, which in the winter was a small ski resort, and in the summer I used to go horse riding in the mountains. We went to the lake, Issyk-Kul. There was always things to do. We even had a summer house that a group of my parents friends rented and went to. 

During our time living there, the Kyrgyz revolution started. It was quite a weird experience. Now when I think about it, I don't remember being scared, but I know that during the time, it was quite scary. However, this a is a story for another time. 

Moving to a different country was great for me. Even though I disliked the school I was in, or more the other students, most of my fondest memories are from there. Going swimming during the night, eating fresh fruit, going skiing and horse riding, my mums friends doing quite stupid things. 

I know that some families don't like moving due to their children having to change schools, but I think for my family it was the best decision. I enjoyed living there, and if we didn't move, I probably would be in a completely different place right now, and a completely different person.

Share, like, and comment any suggestions for me! I would love to hear your opinions:) 


  1. I really enjoy reading about your travels and experiences, keep up the good work!


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